MI José Neves
José Neves
Rua de Moscavide, 5, 2ºD, 1990-198, Parque das Nações, Lisbon, Portugal
(00351) 91 678 34 34
Portuguese, English
Greetings with Joy and Reiki Energy!
My name is José Neves!
I am Jikiden Reiki Shihan and a Psychoanalyst

If you are Jikiden Family and visiting Lisbon: give me a call!
I will show you around!

I am a Complementary and Integrated Therapist, specialized in Jikiden Reiki. I am also a Clinical and Health Psychology Specialist and Relational Psychoanalyst. I work full time as a Jikiden Reiki Teacher and Therapist.

I spent a large part of my life trying to find answers, explanations, theories about existence and human nature. Psychology, as a starting point, offered me some answers. Psychoanalysis has extraordinarily complemented and deepened these insights, giving them a stronger color and greater clarity. Relational Psychoanalysis, today, walks on brighter and brighter frontiers of intuition.
Still, it seems to me that Psychoanalysis stops creating and answering questions precisely when questions begin to become interesting. The inadequacy and/or insufficiency of some theories led me to the discovery of Reiki energy and spirituality in my life. After contact with some religions, I realized that their essence, what people talk about when we listen with attentive ears, is exactly the same: love, peace, kindness, a path to enlightenment, healing for the soul, etc.

I ended up finding Reiki in its Western Style form in Lisbon. A therapeutic style that has quickly become just a form of a therapeutic technique by laying on of hands. No symbols, no theatrical procedures, no interpretations of the Gokai - principles of Reiki - that by then, as I was taught in Shoden and Okuden Western Style Reiki Seminars, had already been distorted to become something that only paved the way for theoretical and technical incoherencies.
I have found, to my dismay, that even in the world of energy and spiritual healing, people are often more interested in preaching than in Life in its fullness.

I have learned by now that Life transcends all prayers.

Jikiden Reiki met me through a fellow psychotherapist whose mother was Jikiden Reiki Shoden. She informed me that a conference would happen a few days later, a few meters from my consultation room in Lisbon.
Surprisingly, or not, the Universe presented me with Tadao Yamaguchi Sensei. I remember feeling a huge sense of fate. While listening to Tadao Sensei I felt that in that human being who spoke of another Reiki, a Reiki that had never left Japan and which had been preserved in its essence and methods, there was humility, coherence, and a profound knowledge.

Shortly thereafter I was receiving Shoden and Okuden in Portugal (2016).
A year later (2017), I had the chance of receiving the Shihankaku (Assistant Professor) certification and in 2018 the Shihan level from Tadao Yamaguchi Sensei. An honor and a privilege!

From this journey, my clinical pratice with Jikiden Reiki was born.

My clinical experience with energy healing techniques began in 2010, in my work at a Central Hospital in Portugal (Hospital de Caldas da Rainha). I was working at the time in the field of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy but I quickly began to realize that healing using words is nothing more than an energy cure.

Although some so-called scientific areas of Psychology have developed disinterest, and in some cases almost an irrational fear for all that is quantum science or energy healing theories, science has come to validate what some have always feared: that it is also a quantum and energetic therapeutic technique.

In this way, my work integrates two worlds, not so far apart, the Psychological and the Bio-energy, with many examples of cases of therapeutic, mental/physical success. I have had experience in supervising clinical work of other therapists and treating serious diseases such as cancer, severe allergic processes, autoimmune and severe inflammatory processes. I use Reiki in my professional life and also in my personal life. I also use Reiki with the afflictions and pains of my friends and family!

My clinical practice is available in my consultation room in Lisbon, Parque das Nações, in my health and well-being establishment Mundo Interno Lisboa (Internal World Lisbon).

My Institutional affiliations are to the Jikiden Reiki Kenkyukai (Institute), in Kyoto, Japan, as Shihan. I am an Effective Member and Specialist Member of Clinical and Health Psychology on the Portuguese Order of Psychologists.

I was trained as a psychoanalyst in the Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and through the conncetion with the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. I am also blessed to be a part of these wonderful Group of people that are the International Jikiden Reiki Association and the Jikiden Reiki UK Association.

I offer treatments in Portuguese and English Language in Lisbon.
I also offer Jikiden Reiki Shoden and Okuden Seminars in Portuguese and English Language.
Visit the website for our regular Reiju-kai, Practice meetings, Conferences and other special Events!

See you soon!
Muito Obrigado from Portugal, Lisbon!
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark.
The real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.