HomeFind a Jikiden Reiki TeacherTokyo>香りの森 (武蔵野市)
香りの森 (武蔵野市)
仁科まさき(大師範) Masaki Nishina (Dai-Shian)
〒180-0022 武蔵野市境5-18-13
日本語, English
(^^)こんにちは、仁科まさき です。2005年に初めて直傳靈氣を学び、2009年に師範認定、2010年に大師範認定を頂いています。これまでに延べで600名以上の直傳靈氣講習をさせて頂いています。(西洋レイキも延べで4000人の講習をさせて頂いています)


●月1回の靈授会(復習会 https://messia.com/reiki/jikiden/reijukai.php)

▶ 講習だけではなくて、本格的に病気治療を仕事として学びたいという場合は【セラピスト育成コース】を提供しております。プロフェッショナルな施術法、接客法を身につけて頂けます。直傳靈氣修了者はご相談下さい。https://messia.com/reiki/be_therapist/

▶ 靈氣を使う際に、身体の知識も大切です。不定期ですが、解剖生理入門1・2・3を開催しています。直傳靈氣修了者はどなたも参加可能。https://messia.com/reiki/event/#anatomy

● HP https://messia.com
● YouTube(動画460本) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCl9O9b1I9QNwtSlKDU5Hnw
● 書籍 https://messia.com/reiki/book/
I am Nishina Masaki, Jikiden Reiki Dai-Shian. I started to learn Jikiden Reiki in 2005 and became Dai-Shihan in 2010. So far, I have taught more than 600 students as total attendance. Also, I am happy to provide English Jikiden seminar in Tokyo area. Please look into https://jikiden-reiki-nishina.com/seminar/ for the English seminar.

I have created videos explaining the Japanese culture that is the origin of Reiki, comparing it with Western culture. By watching these videos, You will be able to gain a deeper understanding of Reiki essence, and greatly improve your daily Jikiden Reiki practice. You will also find it much easier to produce good results.

Even if you are already practicing Jikiden Reiki, I think these videos will be of great help to you.
Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/jreiki/

You can watch these videos on VIMEO for a fee. There are 16 videos in total, with a total running time of 2 hours and 19 minutes. You can get an idea of the whole thing with the 18-minute trailer. I hope your Jikiden Reiki practice improves with these videos.